Products description
Antique high-frequency treatment apparatus (high-frequency device - Violet Wand); around 1930; unknown manufacturer; an electrode (glass device, light bulb) is mounted on the handle to treat illnesses; the device could be operated with either 110 or 220 volts; this electrically powered device is a typical example of historical pseudomedicine (quackery) – a fascinating collector's item; the device has a regulator with a scale from 1 to 12, and there is also an option to switch the voltage from 110 volts to 220 volts; the handle is made of Bakelite. High-frequency devices oscillated between medical hope and questionable healing promises. Inspired by Tesla and d'Arsonval, they were supposed to promote circulation and relieve discomfort. From the 1920s, marketed as a miracle cure, they fueled belief in the healing power of electricity with Bakelite handles, glass attachments, and mystical UV light. Not tested for completeness or functionality; sold in found condition; age-related signs of use; dimensions equipment box: 9 x 26 x 7 cm